

Molecular Evolutionary Biology of Social Insects

Title Molecular Evolutionary Biology of Social Insects
Sprache/Language englisch
VV-Nr./Course No. 136294
Modulverantwortlich/Responsible Dr. Lukas Schrader
Vertreter/Co-responsible Prof. Dr. Jürgen Gadau
Anbieter/Teachers Dr. Lukas Schrader
Typ/Type Praktikum
SWS/Semerster periods per week
Arbeitslast(h)/Work load 150 h
KP/Credit points 5 KP
Zuordnung/Classification Fortgeschrittenen-Modul
Semester/Semester SoSe
Studierende/Students MSc Biowissenschaften
MSc Biotechnologie
MSc Molekulare Biomedizin
Zeit/Date n.V.
Ort/Location Institute for Evolution and Biodiversity (IEB)
Beginn/Start n.V.
Vorbesprechung/Obligatory pre-meeting keine
Voraussetzung/Prerequisite keine
Leistungskontrollen/Performance assessments Abschlussbericht, Präsentation
Termine f. Leistungskontrollen/Date for performance assessments n.V.
max. NP/Max. grade points 200
Ziele/Aims Get hands-on experience in 'wet lab' molecular biology, by designing, planning and conducting a research project on the molecular basis of sociality in ants. Learn how to apply molecular techniques such as DNA/RNA extraction, PCR, quantitative PCR, Transposon Display, or ONT long-read sequencing to study the evolutionary mechanisms that have led to the emergence of complex colony structures and division of labor in social insects. Learn how to use the programming language R to process, analyse and visualize the data you produced in the lab.
Inhalte/Content Intraspecific aggression in invasive ants, transposable elements as sources of genetic novelty in ants, phenotypic robustness of the queen and worker caste
Methoden/Methods e.g. PCR, qPCR, DNA/RNA extractions, barcoding, long-read sequencing, in-situ hybridization
Berufsrelevante und interdisziplinäre Komponenten/Occupational and interdisciplinary skills
Voraussetzung für/Prerequisite for
Präsenzpflicht/Compulsory presence ja
Plätze/Number of participants 1-2
Gruppengröße/Group size 1-2
Sonstiges/Further information


Elemente of the module:
Titel/Title Zeit (von...bis)/Time ( Ort(Raum)/Location
Übungen/Practical exercises
Legende: / Legend:

= Modul gehört zum SPP Imoplant / Module is part of the SSP Imoplant
= Modul gehört zum SPP Evolution /Module is part of the SSP Evolution
= Modul gehört zum SPP Bioanalytics and Biochemistry /Module is part of the SSP Bioanalytics and Biochemistry
= Modul gehört zum SPP Neuroscience and Behaviour /Module is part of the SSP Neuroscience and Behaviour
= Modul gehört zum SPP Quantitative Cell Biology /Module is part of the SSP Quantitative Cell Biology